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We Discuss How To Focus, With StaffHealth CEO William Goldstein

So, we are here today with William Goldstein, CEO of StaffHealth and Nurseshifts, who just published his first book, How To Focus: Improve Your Concentration. We’re going to discuss his new book and why Focus is so important.

Can you give me some background on you, Mr. Goldstein?
I’d be happy to do that. Well, you already introduced me. But I guess, most would describe me as the kind of person who builds successful companies. I’ve been involved in a number of technology companies, mostly in the health staffing and travel sectors. My latest company, StaffHealth, which published the NurseShifts app is arguably the fastest growing recruiter in the healthcare staffing industry. That’s what I’m known for. But I don’t want to talk too much about me. Let’s talk about the laser focus that makes succeeding in a fast-growing business possible. 

Well then, let’s talk about your book, How to Focus. Can you tell me what makes it unique?
Of course, well, I imagine that as you go about your day, you find your thoughts wandering from one topic to another. We’ve all got that voice in our head that’s reminding us of everything we need to work on. So let’s do a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Well, that’s not a recipe for success. We’ve got to have a strategy to actually accomplish our goals. This is a book that covers the scientifically proven methods and and the techniques I use to bring success in my own life. It’s all about what we can do to improve our concentration. It’s about getting more done.

Does it seem to you that people today have a more difficult time staying focused, than in times past?
Absolutely, there are more distractions all around us than in times past. There are offices with open layouts. This might encourage communication between team members at a company, but it’s this communication that is often the source of distraction from our work. Your coworkers stop by to say hello, but I don’t think that’s necessarily the biggest distraction. I’d say that all the great technology we’ve become accustomed to is actually a bigger culprit. There is an unprecedented amount of advertising and communications happening, all day long.  Much of it is delivered straight to your phone. There’s no doubt that people today have a harder time concentrating than in years past And I don’t think it’s going to get better if we don’t learn how to manage our reliance on the technology. All this technology has brought great benefits, but the ability to focus is not one of them. Reliable studies indicate that the average attention span of a Millennial is 12 seconds. And for the younger members of society, that is for Generation Z, it’s only eight seconds.

So, how do we overcome all that to improve our attention span and get more done?
Well, the answer is pretty simple really. You have to reduce your distractions, develop better methods of working, and turn these methods into habits. You can find all the techniques that are proven to help you get more done in my book, How to Focus.

What made you decide to write a book?
For several decades, I have been helping both people and businesses succeed. In this time, I’ve discovered that there is one thing that commonly holds people back. That is that many people are easily distracted. They have difficulty finishing tasks and at other times they just aren’t able to concentrate. Thankfully, I’ve found some techniques to develop intense concentration and focus. I felt that I should share those. It will after all, help others achieve their goals. 

So where can we purchase your book?
You can order it through bookstores in the United States. But, worldwide you can find it on Amazon.

About William Goldstein:
William Goldstein is the CEO of StaffHealth, one of the country’s fastest growing healthcare staffing firms. Previously, Goldstein founded Nationwide Medical Services in Norfolk, VA and was President of PhysicianJobs.com. You can learn more about William Goldstein, on his blog, at https://williamgoldstein.press.  

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