Work With a Marketing Enthusiast To Scale Your Brand

If you are a business looking to take your brand to new heights, you’re in the right place. You want to acquire more customers and be able to strengthen your brand. When it comes to scaling your brand, you’ll want to have the funds and the resources to get it done.

That won’t be achievable if your sales remain stagnant. For this reason, you want to hire a marketing enthusiast like Kevin Miller to help you get from point A to point B. We’ll be taking a look at some marketing ideas that will help you scale your business.

Remember, the intent of marketing is to get your target audience to take a certain action. Usually it’s buying a product or service. Let’s discuss how you can leverage marketing in your quest to grow your brand into something bigger.

Know the social media channels your market hangs out

Social media is a useful tool when it comes to marketing. If you know your target market, you will know exactly what social media platform they frequent. For example, younger audiences will be more apt to using Snapchat and Tiktok.

Older people in your market may be more inclined to use Facebook. B2B targets will be on LinkedIn. You get the idea.

It’s important to establish your presence on social media. Post regularly and also familiarize yourself with the ad platform. As long as you are consistent with your message and posting on social media, you’ll be on the right track towards brand growth.

If you use social media to highlight your authority and expertise in the brand, people will know what you are talking about.

Use the power of email marketing

Email is still the tried and true method of generating sales. Especially when you have an email list of quality subscribers. Sure, having a large number of subscribers is fine.

However, you can make do with high quality subscribers even if the number is small. How do you get people to subscribe to your email list? It’s as simple as offering them a freebie in exchange for their email address.

This can be something like a coupon for a discount or something that will get them a quick win as soon as right now. If it’s something that will satisfy them quickly, they’ll almost always say yes and fork over their email address.

The good thing about email marketing is that you can write the emails and run it through an automation sequence. Sure, it may require a bit of tweaking and split testing. That’s all part of the process.

Still, it’s important to make sure that you are sending your emails to the right people. The right offer in front of the right people equals sales. Always have, always will.

Connect with your audience

It’s always a good idea to connect with your audience on a regular basis. Start conversations with them. Answer questions they may have?

People love it when they interact with someone who is a human and not a bot. Especially online. Ask them questions about what their biggest challenges are with the problem you want to solve for them.

Conversations with your audience may spark ideas. It can spark your business to create more products and services. You might also be able to provide them with a solution you may have.

When starting a conversation, go in with no ulterior motive. Don’t go in with the intent to sell them. Keep it casual and talk to them as if you were talking to a friend.

Keep track of the metrics

The most important part of this whole scaling process is to keep track of the progress. This is something you should be doing with your business. What products are selling well and which ones are not?

Which 20 percent of your product or service line is generating 80 percent of the revenue? The numbers never lie. It will also help you make decisions on what you can double down on and which products or services may not be as successful.

In business, there are some things that you will need to discontinue due to poor sales or performance. It’s all part of the process.

Final Thoughts

If you are planning on scaling your brand, leveraging the power of marketing will be something you want to do. Without good marketing, your business won’t grow. Make sure you know which channels your target audience is hanging out.

Be sure to fine tune your message and make adjustments if necessary. Double check what you are offering and whether or not you are putting it out in front of the right people. Put this system in place (with some automation here and there) and you’ll be generating more money for your brand and allow you more opportunities to scale.