Why study design?

Let’s start by explaining what design is today, because despite appearances, it is a very broad concept and refers to many fields.

Design affects the way we experience the world and everything in it. And because it is an integral part of our world, we look at it in depth here. Students who opt for this major are aware that it is about designing the appearance and external features of various objects. The idea is that these objects should be pretty, fulfil their purpose and be comfortable to use.

What is design itself?

It is the creation of physical or virtual things – these can be things that are done to improve user interfaces in applications. However, it is important to note that design is not necessarily limited to this. High quality design can be intertwined with business, engineering and art. Over the years, design has evolved from merely visible and usable components to more user-centric experiences that promote brand value.

What jobs can you do as a design graduate?

Most often we choose to study Design because we want to be a fashion designer in the future. Fashion designers design lifestyle clothing and accessories. They create the look of clothes and direct manufacturers on how to make original items – it’s a future-oriented profession and we can call ourselves artists if only we’re not lacking creativity.  Another profession you can get after studying Design is the title

multimedia artist. It deals with creating effects for television to working on game models, multimedia artists do it all. They use a variety of materials to create models, such as paper, graphics and even sculptures. Game designers are another field that design graduates dream of. They are the ones who create game environments, create interesting gameplay and develop models that will be part of games. Being a game designer requires knowledge of both design and programming. On the plus side, the professions presented are not an exhaustive list of possibilities in the field of design. As we have already seen, design is an integral part of everything around us and has many more uses than we think.

World schools of design

Art and design are taught together in different institutions because they are interconnected somewhere and draw inspiration from each other most of the time. Why study design? We can choose from the best universities that affirm the positive aspects of education. One of the oldest art and design schools in the world, the Royal College of Art boasts a wide range of outstanding artists. The school’s departments are divided into architecture, arts and humanities, communication and design. It is worth studying design at Politecnico di Milano, as it is one of the most popular universities in the world and one of the largest universities in Europe. With over 40000 students studying at the university at any one time, it has one of the largest student communities on campus among design schools.