Upgrade Your Life and Biz with Dr. Allana Da Graca!

Hello Dr. Allana Da Graca, Welcome to ABOUT INSIDER! What is Turning On the Lights Global Institute About?
Turning On the Lights Global Institute is a company that offers authentic engagement, guidance, and strategy. Our company takes time to understand the needs of our constituents. When launching a new business it is important to understand the “BIG WHY.” Unlike many programs that give individuals templates to work from, we take time to identify the specific needs of our constituents.

Did you have any challenges when you first began your company?
Developing this company was not easy. There were many times I wondered if I would be able to do this vision long-term. I have learned to be grateful for every milestone!

What is the Upgrade My Life and Biz Challenge?
The Upgrade My Life and Biz Challenge #UPML helps experts and entrepreneurs SHARE THEIR GENIUS with others. This 5-day Challenge will help you to take radical action in your business.

To know more about Dr. Allana Da Graca visit: http://www.drallanadagracaa.com and don’t forget to Instagram @drdinspyre, LinkedIn: @allanatodmandagraca, Facebook: @DrDEducates and YouTube: @TheWomenempowered