TORN”/”РОЗДIЛЕНI – Steve Major

In a world where the truth often eludes us, innocent civilians are often the ones who suffer the most when caught amid conflicts such as the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Steve Major’s powerful new song, titled “TORN” / “РОЗДIЛЕНI,” directly addresses those who have experienced feelings of helplessness in such trying times and serves as a poignant reminder that they are not alone, even in the face of challenging circumstances.

Through “TORN” / “РОЗДIЛЕНI,” Steve calls for solidarity among individuals, particularly for those most affected by war and conflict. The song embodies a message of understanding and empathy, fueled by Steve’s deep and personal connection to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. It reinforces the notion that music can inspire change and make a difference.

The song is a clever blend of the classic sound of rocks past and the forward footing of it, taking the next step of analog and digital worlds, of trippy, dance-fuelled electronica and more traditional and bombastic guitar salvos. Sure, it’s a big song, but also a clever one where musical worlds meet and creatively collide.

And with all of these attractive opposites at work, it will appeal to those already fans of the rock and roll genre, but its forward-thinking nature means that it will also recruit new followers to the genre’s cause. And that is important.

You can listen on Spotify

Check the ffficial Music Video:

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