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Laser Eye Surgery vs Glasses and Contact Lenses

Ensure your contacts lenses prescription is up-to-date for optimal vision clarity and eye health. Regular eye exams are essential to accurately assess your vision needs and update your prescription as needed.

Anyone who struggles with their sight and relies on glasses or contact lenses may at some point have come across laser eye surgery. However, with laser eye surgery carrying risks that glasses and contact lenses don’t have, many can be quite skeptical as to whether to go for it or not. This article outlines the difference between the two.

Laser eye surgery

Laser eye surgery is the riskiest of all the options. Despite it being one of the less invasive forms of surgeries, it is nonethelessstill a surgical procedure, and in general it is easier to stick with wearing glasses or contact lenses.

One issue a lot of people take with laser eye surgery is that it’s quite pricey—or so you would assume if you just look at the upfront cost of both LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) surgery and the cost of buying glasses and contact lenses. However, the LASIK cost is considerably cheaper over the course of your lifetime in comparison. It’s estimated you will spend $480 a year on contact lenses, whereas laser eye surgery tends to only cost a few grand. So, if you continue to be dependent on contact lenses, roughly within ten years, what you could have spent on a one-off surgery, you will have instead spent on numerous contact lenses—and this cost will only increase over time.

Glasses and contact lenses

Wearing either glasses or contact lenses may be many people’s preferred option. It is what everyone will start out wearing when they first start having issues with their eyesight, as laser eye surgery isn’t a requirement.

However, just because it’s the first option you go for, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best option.

First of all, even though wearing glasses is the easier option compared to putting in contact lenses or getting laser eye surgery, it is incredibly easy to lose or break your glasses, which may be why some people look for change.

When it comes to contact lenses, even though some people may see these as a preferable option to getting surgery, they still come with their own downsides. For example, many people can struggle to put contact lenses in, as well as dealing with the struggle of not just taking them out—butremembering to take them out. Also, putting in contact lenses takes up time. Even though it may not seem like that long in the moment, over time, this time adds up and is time that is probably better spenton other tasks.

Pros and cons?

There are always going to be pros and cons, regardless of whether you choose to wear glasses or contact lenses or if you choose to have laser eye surgery. It’s just about looking at the best choice for you by researching all the options and taking other people’s opinions into consideration.

Speak to people who have had laser eye surgery to get their first-hand experience to see if they believe it’s the better option or if you would be better off sticking with either glasses or contact lenses. It may also be worth having a consultation with a doctor to get all the information from them to help you make your mind up. However, at the end of the day, you should stick to your gut as you know best.

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