How long do outdoor fairy lights Last?

Light-emitting diodes or LED outdoor fairy lights are different from traditional light bulbs. These outdoor fairy lights do not use heat to make light. Traditional bulbs burn out wholly and suddenly when the filament is broken. In comparison, LED lights fade slowly before they burn out. Therefore the lifespan ratings of both traditional lights and LED lights are different. The life span rating is based on lumen maintenance of the outdoor fairy lights and also on the factor whether you got it from experts like Fusion Lighting Australia or from some dubious source. These lights last 25 times longer than traditional bulbs. If you take proper care and provide the correct maintenance, outdoor fairy lights can last up to 50,000 hours. Battery-operated lights lifespan is dependent upon the battery set. 

Advantages of LEDs

There are multiple benefits of using LED outdoor fairy lighting. When you look at commercial lighting, you will see that alternative technologies gradually replace the traditional system. LED is becoming an ideal choice for commercial use, whether in office buildings, outdoor spaces, or marquees. The list will automatically satisfy you if we count the benefits of LED outdoor fairy lighting. The installation is safe and straightforward, and they are convenient and becoming the popular choice among people. They also have a long life span compared to traditional incandescent bulbs and are eco-friendly, and have less impact on the environment. 

How can you maintain your outdoor lights?

You can increase the lifespan of outdoor fairy lights by maintaining them properly. If you provide care to your LED lights, you can protect them and make use of your investment.

Below are a few things you can do to keep your outdoor fairy lights shining and last longer.

1. Clean the LED fixtures and lights: it is evident that outdoor lighting will get a little dirty now and then. So if you wish to extend the lifespan of your outdoor lighting, you must keep your LED lights and fixtures clean. Dirt and dust can enter inside and interfere with the LED function; therefore, wiping off the debris and cleaning spider webs, etc. 

2. Repair as soon as possible: if you find that your light is not working correctly or there is a problem with some exposed wires, you must repair it right away. If you’re using the light for a long time, you must replace it; otherwise, you can fix the issue in your lighting system. 

3. Don’t let nearby plants and bushes overgrow: an overgrown bush or plants can crash the class of your LED lights. In addition, the lights will also not emit bright light if the nearby plants are covering it. So it is better to keep your plants trimmed so that they do not crush your LED lights and don’t cover them. It will contribute to the extension of the lifespan of your outdoor lighting.


If you provide the proper maintenance and care, your outdoor fairy lights will last up to 50,000 hours, and this will contribute to your home’s ambiance and security. It is an eco-friendly option and worth investing in. LED is a highly reliable and resilient technology that you can use for years without any loss. You can also leave LED light strings on all night, and you need not worry about cost, safety, or reliability.