Everything You Need To Know About Car Insurance

Driving has risks, and sometimes we get into an accident. As many would know, accidents and breakdowns are a huge hassle for drivers and come with many frustrations. Reporting a car accident and claiming insurance are essential steps to address the aftermath of a vehicular collision. That is why having a good, comprehensive insurance plan is important. Knowing that you’re covered for almost any kind of accident will give peace of mind to the driver when they do end up in an accident.

Many different kinds of insurance types span different scopes of coverage, as well as cost. Insurance is meant to be a financial shield for accidents when you drive. Be it covering for repairs or liabilities, or for injury coverage, you can pick and choose what insurance type and plan fits you the best. Since insurance is required by law in most states, you must shop about and find an insurance plan that fits your needs and your budget.

So, how do you go about finding car insurance premiums like those from reliable insurance provider that won’t send you broke? It can take a lot of time to figure out what the terms all mean, so we’ve broken down the common insurance terms to make deciding what you need easier.

Liability Coverage

Also referred to as personal injury coverage, this is the most important kind of coverage that you should look out for. After all, if your car is broken you can still work, but you can’t generate any money to pay off hospital bills when you’re severely injured.

Liability coverage covers two categories, namely bodily injury and property damage. Having liability coverage means that not just you, but others involved in the accident are covered too. This will save you from potential lawsuits that can be filed against you for damages, license suspensions, or jail time.

Protection From Uninsured Drivers

There is a one-in-eight chance that when you’re involved in an auto accident, the other driver may be uninsured. That would mean that you would not be able to file a claim for the damages from their insurance.

Don’t take for granted that every driver has the same amount of insurance as you! Being insured against uninsured drivers may seem like an odd concept, but it saves you the hassle of having to prepare a lawsuit against someone to get the cost of the damages back.

Accidents And Vehicle Damage

There are times when we are unable to claim vehicle damages on someone else’s insurance. For example, what if a fallen tree or a landslide destroys your car? Or, and this is more likely, what if your car skids on a rainy day and totaled completely? At times like this, your insurance is the only thing that can provide the necessary financial assistance to get a new car or to pay for the heavy repair fees.

Collision and comprehensive coverage take care of this issue and covers such incidents so that your finances are protected by this barrier. The small premium can be easily be written off when faced with the option of having to buy a new car, which will set you back several thousand dollars at least. 

Towing And Rental Coverage

Cars are complicated machines that are made up of many parts that work in sync to operate. From the tires to the engine, or even just the batteries, there are many points of failure that are present in a car. These potential faults can spring up at any time, and the last thing any driver wants is to be stranded in the middle of nowhere with no way to get the car back (without paying an exorbitant towing fee). Towing and rental coverage is an option offered by many car insurance plans — so that if and when your car breaks down, you don’t have to worry about the cost of getting it towed. Though there exist other solutions such as having a dedicated towing club membership, these towing and rental coverage options can come in cheaper, saving you money down the road.

Cost Breakdown Of Car Insurance

There are many car insurance plans offered by just as many companies. Don’t rush ahead and pick the first one you see, as there are plenty of good potential deals out there. Insurance is important, of course, but that doesn’t mean that you need to spend more than you need to!

Deductible vs. Premium

These terms may be a little confusing, so here’s a simple way to remember them: The higher the deductible, the lower the premium, and vice versa. The way these two interact is what dictates how much you cover the cost of the damage before your insurer has to cover for you.

Choosing the balance between the two is dependent on your budget, and how you foresee your ability to cover a deductible. Whatever your choice may be, make sure that you can afford it. Some people prefer paying off a higher monthly premium instead of a lower deductible to avoid large payments should an accident happen.

Driving Experience

Insurance premium rates are offered on a statistical basis. For example, younger and newer drivers are going to be offered a higher insurance premium rate as compared to older, more experienced drivers. This is because new and young drivers tend to be the biggest culprits of accidents due to their lack of experience. Thus, insurance plans aimed at this demographic often give robust personal liability coverage with a low deductible.

Additionally, drivers who have recorded accidents or breaches of traffic rules will be offered higher interest rates as they are deemed more at-risk. By driving safe and driving alert, you can keep the premium rate on your car as low as possible.

How To Purchase Car Insurance

Insurance is a competitive industry, and all are trying to get the largest market share, which means that there are many not-entirely-stellar options out there. Look out for reliable and reasonable coverage that also covers the vehicle completely. No one likes having to argue with the insurance agent who insists that an accident you’re in is not covered by your policy.

Car insurance is an important aspect of car ownership, and you want to make sure that the company you’re getting the coverage from is reputable and comprehensive in their assistance.


An accident is already difficult enough to handle without having to worry about having to cover the costs of hospitalization or car repairs. We highly encourage that you don’t feel afraid of paying a little bit more. After all, that is just added peace of mind for when things go wrong.