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Anthony Malascalza has fans running wild in celebration of the release of his new track “Independent”

Since its debut, “Independent” has been smashing records on Spotify. Anthony Malascalza has released yet another chart-topping single for his fans. The song is quite addicting, as evidenced by the fact that you will listen to it repeatedly. Anthony’s ability and maturity are on full display in this song.

Rumor Records has always been a strong supporter of outstanding musicians that have the ability to consistently produce success after hit. They’ve already worked with him and know what he’s capable of. That’s why they went all out on “Independent’s” production. They should be commended for providing their fans with this style of music.

From his travels across the country with a number of well-known musicians, Anthony has picked up a few pointers. He’s able to incorporate all of this into his music, ensuring that it stays current in terms of genres and trends while being distinctive. On all of these levels, “Independent” succeeds, and audiences embrace it.

Follow Anthony on Instagram @Icmtone_

Check out his latest song:

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