All About Dealing with ADHD

Want to know more about how to deal with ADHD and best practices to ensure it doesn’t cause you too much of a problem? Well, then read on. 

1. Establish a morning routine. If your child is suffering from ADHD or ADD, he/she should have a reliable morning schedule that is easy to follow. This could make the difference between trouble and a successful departure to school. Get an alarm clock and wake your kid with a gentle touch. Let the light in by opening curtains. Get the child to brush his/her teeth, wash, dress up, and have their breakfast in the same order to avoid confusion. 

2. Have a structure during the day. Keep all activities healthy and simple. You should have a set schedule for your kid. For instance, On Monday, art class: on Tuesday and Wednesday swimming lessons. Your child will find it easier to follow up when you have a regular schedule. 

3. Set specific and clear expectations. Make the behavioral rules simple. Explain to the child what will happen when the rules are followed and when they are broken. Follow through every single time with anticipated reward or consequence.

4. Avoid harsh parenting techniques. The Ohio State University conducted a study last week on ADHD children. It reveals that physical punishment and yelling are not effective with kids who suffer from ADHD. The study used 99 preschool kids and showed that less harsh parenting could have a significant improvement in the behavior of your kid.

5. Help the kid succeed at school. Make sure you keep records of all disciplinary reports, report cards, Individualized Education Program (IEP), meetings, teacher notes, and reports. Learn about the rights of your kid. There is a parent technical assistance center in each state. You may find the center in your state by visiting 

6. Good workouts, sleep, and eating are essential. Kids suffering from ADHD need a lot of physical exercises and sleep. They should avoid a lot of sugary foods in the process. 

7. Notice the successes of your child. Tell your kid that your love is unconditional. Make sure you notice even the small successes of your child.

8. Help the kid with social skills. A child with ADHD may get negative reactions most of the time. Parent training is important to teach you how to control aggressive behaviors. 

9. Work together. Let all the adults who care for the child in your family agree on how to handle the kid and have a consistent approach to behavior issues.

10. Did you or your spouse have ADHD? The disorder is usually inherited, and many adults are not treated for the condition. Parent training is important to assist you to cope with the situation if you also have the condition.

11. Take good care of yourself. Eat healthy, get enough exercises, keep your stress levels down, and get enough sleep. It may seem like a tall order if you are a working parent. In fact, the more you can help yourself, the more you could help the kid.