A Beginner’s Guide to Toilet Bidets: What Are They And How Do You Use Them?

Toilet bidets may not be as common in some countries. But they are becoming popular as people seek alternative ways to stay clean and reduce their impact on the environment. Bidets are essentially devices that use water to clean the genital and anal areas after using the toilet. They come in different types, including standalone bidets, bidet toilet seats, and bidet attachments.

Using a toilet bidet may seem daunting for some. However, the process is relatively straightforward, and with practice, you’ll soon wonder how you ever managed without one. 

In this article, we will discuss everything there is to know about toilet bidets, its type, and how to use them.

What are Toilet Bidets and How to Use Them?

A toilet bidet is a bathroom accessory designed to provide a clean, refreshing feeling after using the restroom. A toilet bidet uses a stream of water to clean compared to traditional toilets, which use toilet paper. This stream of water is comfortable and effective for personal cleaning because it can be adjusted for temperature, pressure, and angle.

Additionally, many cultures around the world, including areas of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, use toilet bidets. They are less popular in North America, where using toilet paper to clean after using the restroom is the preferred norm.

To use a toilet bidet, you need to adjust the water pressure and temperature to what you prefer, sit on the bidet, and use the nozzle to direct the water to the areas you want to clean. Afterward, you can use a towel or toilet paper to dry.

Types of Toilet Bidets

Bidets are available in several types, each with unique benefits and drawbacks. The most popular forms of toilet bidets include bidet toilet seats, standalone bidets, and bidet attachments.

1. Standalone bidets 

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A standalone bidet is a standalone fixture that sits next to the toilet. They can be costly to install and need plumbing work. But, they frequently have a wider range of features and are more comfortable to use than other kinds of bidets. 

E-toilets online provide a wide range of standalone bidets that will fit every homeowner’s budget. They offer internet-connected, intelligent, eco-friendly, and hygienic e-toilet solutions that come with having to cut features like real-time monitoring, automatic cleaning, and data analysis.

With its innovative approach and use of technology, these smart toilets are poised to transform the way we think about public restrooms and help create a cleaner and healthier society.

2. Bidet toilet seats 

A bidet toilet seat is an alternative to standalone bidets. These seats mount on top of an existing toilet bowl to take the place of the standard seat. They don’t need any significant plumbing work and are rather simple to install. Bidet toilet seats come in different models and pricing ranges, and some even come with extras like heated seats and air dryers.

3. Bidet attachments 

This type of bidet is the most affordable and easiest to install of all bidet types. They use the same water source and attach it to the toilet bowl. Since bidet attachments are movable, users can adjust the water pressure and temperature as they wish.

Benefits of Using a Toilet Bidet

Toilet bidets have many benefits that are unknown to many people. Using a toilet bidet can help improve personal hygiene, reduce toilet paper use and the resulting waste, and prevent health issues. 

Toilet paper is a contributor to environmental waste. The average person uses about 100 rolls of toilet paper a year, resulting in millions of tons of paper waste. Using a toilet bidet reduces the amount of toilet paper used, resulting in less environmental impact.

Moreover, using water to clean the genital and anal areas is more effective than using toilet paper alone. It removes more bacteria and reduces the risk of skin irritation and infections. Also, a bidet can help people feel fresher and more comfortable throughout the day.

Not only that, using a toilet bidet can help prevent urinary tract infections by removing harmful bacteria from the genital area. It can also help prevent hemorrhoids by reducing the need for straining during bowel movements.

How to Use a Toilet Bidet?

If you are not used to using a toilet bidet, it might be confusing on your first try. Luckily, using it is a no-brainer. Once you get the hang of it, it’s like you have been using it longer. Below are the steps on how to use the bidet for beginners:

  • First, locate the bidet in your bathroom. Remember, bidets can come in different types, including standalone bidets, bidet toilet seats, and bidet attachments. The process for using each type may differ.
  • Once you have located the bidet, adjust the water pressure and temperature to your liking. Most bidets will have a control panel or a dial that allows you to adjust these settings. Some bidets may include extra features such as air dryers and heated seats.
  • Next, sit on the bidet facing the controls or the water spout. Use the nozzle to direct the water to the areas you want to clean. Place the nozzle so that water flows from front to back. If the bidet has a jet stream, make sure to adjust the pressure to avoid discomfort.
  • After using the bidet, use toilet paper or a towel to dry. It’s important to be gentle when drying as rubbing too hard can irritate.
  • Finally, clean the bidet after each use. Use mild soap and water to clean the bidet, and avoid harsh chemicals or abrasives.

Using a toilet bidet may take some getting used to, but with practice, it can become a regular part of your hygiene routine. With its many benefits, including improved personal hygiene and reduced environmental waste, it’s worth switching to a bidet.

Most common misconceptions about toilet bidets:

  1. Bidets are unhygienic: Many people believe using a bidet is unhygienic because it involves water. But, bidets are more hygienic than toilet paper.
  2. Bidets are only for women: Another common misconception about bidets is that they are only for women. But, bidets are beneficial to both men and women as they clean the genital and anal areas more than toilet paper.
  3. Bidets are hard to use: Some people may feel uncomfortable using a bidet. Thinking that it is difficult to use. But, bidets are straightforward. Most models come with easy-to-use controls.
  4. Bidets are expensive: Some high-end bidets can be costly. Using a bidet can save money on toilet paper.
  5. Bidets are only for those with medical conditions: While bidets benefit those with medical conditions such as hemorrhoids or urinary tract infections, they are also for anyone who wants to improve their hygiene and reduce their environmental impact.


There are advantages to using a toilet bidet that cannot be overlooked. It not only improves personal hygiene and reduces environmental waste, but it can help avoid some health problems. More people may be willing to try them and benefit from their many advantages as bidets gain attention. 

With many options to choose from, it’s essential to do your research first on what will fit you and your family’s needs––from its features down to its pricing.